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August 20, 2021

Revers0r v0.1


August 17, 2021

How to open HTML file with Chrome on Android 7.0

 Required apps:

  1. File Manager
  2. Notepad Free
  3. Chrome

Find and open Notepad Free. Open new text file by one tap on plus which is in right down corner of the app.

Enter title and below start writing your HTML code.

After you finished writing your HTML code tap on three dots in right top corner of the app.

Export to a text file to Downloads folder. Save it.

Go to Tools and open File Manager then open Downloads.

Find saved file. Select it. Find and tap rename.

Change extension of file to html or htm. (Make sure extension is properly written. html as extension with out spaces in extension part.)

Confirm name change.

Open renamed file with Chrome.

If it's all alright you should see your HTML file interpreted by Chrome.

This might not work for some.