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November 27, 2019

Palindrome Check


Case insensitive:
Space insensitive:
Only letters:

November 17, 2019

Number to Word

This is task from CheckIO.


Mine takes only 4 digits so far.

Numbers to Words Calculator takes bigger numbers.
or enter "1000001=english" without quotes in Google Search and see what happens.

October 06, 2019

Random Numbers Generator





Random array of number(s):

September 21, 2019

No repeating symbol

If text (unique charset) is consisted of unique symbols image will show checkmark if it's not it will show cross.

Unique charset:

May 29, 2019

Simple encoding


May 17, 2019

Check ISBN

Checks ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 (EAN-13)

Usage: Just enter ISBN in box and validation image will pop up.
Be sure whether you want to check 10 digits or 13 digits.

False negative or false positive
Don't take this seriously it may fail at some point. I'll do my best to fix it.
I recommend you don't use it for prefix 979 just for 978
There's is
or some other site that does what you need.


March 03, 2019

Example digits „1301“ could be following:

1. PIN (Computer, Phone, Game, TV, ATM, Locker, KeyLock ...)
2. Year (Chinese, ...)
3. Hours and Minutes
4. Day and Month
5. Phone number (Services, ...)
6. Number of letter (0 - [Space], A - 1, B – 2, C – 3, ...)
7. Lipstik (Leet Speak)
8. Number (Hex, Dec, Oct ...)
9. Part of registration plates
10. Reversed or scrambled
11. Combination any of these above
12. Random digits
13. Something else

FireFox Keyboard Shortcuts

CTRL + SHIFT + P (Private Browsing)
CTRL + T (New Tab)
CTRL + ALT (Switch between tabs)
CTRL + W (Close Tab)
CTRL + H (Show/Hide History)
CTRL + U (View Source) [19.10.2023]
CTRL + I (Page Info) [18.12.2023]
CTRL + J (Shows downloads)
CTRL + F or F3 - Find/Find next
F5 (Refresh webpage)
F11 - Full Screen Mode/Exit Full Screen Mode
ALT + Left Arrow - Page Back (12.09.2020)
ALT + Right Arrow - Page Forward (12.09.2020)
ALT, f, x (EXIT)

February 10, 2019

Acronyms, Abbreviations, Leet speak, ...

LOL - Laughing Out Loud; Lots of love
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
ROFL - Rolling on floor laughing
BTW - By the Way
AKA - Also Known As
C U - See you
OMG - Oh my God
Pwn - Own (Typo)
LMAO - Laughing my ass off
G2G - Going to go
BRB - Be right back
Pop - Popular, Pop
GB - Game Boy, Giga Byte
GBA - Game Boy Advance
GBC - Game Boy Color
NES - Nintendo Entertainment System
SNES - Super Nintendo Entertainment System
NDS - Nintendo Dual Screen
BFF - Best Friends Forever
BF - Boy Friend, Brute Force
FF - Fear Factory, FireFox, Final Fantasy, Fighting Force, Foo Fighters, hexadecimal value for decimal value 255
THC - The Hacker Club
JMP - Jump
RET - Return
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language
PHP - Personal Home Page, this is debatable.
JS - JavaScript, JaSon
HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
SK8 - Skate
H8 - Hate
GC - Game Cube
GTA - Grand Theft Auto
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
CSS - Cascade Sheet Style
P2P - Peer to Peer
BIT - Binary Digit
LD - Load
DL - Download
WIN - Windows
REGEX - Regular Expression
MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
RPG - Role Playing Game
BPS - Beats Per Second
PPC - Pay Per Click
FPS - Frames Per Second, First Person Shooter
RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
ARM - Advanced RISC Machine
MOAR - More
W8 - Wait
M8 - Mate
RPM - Rotate Per Minute
KB - Kilo Byte
MB - Mega Byte
TB - Terra Byte
PB - Peta Byte
RAM - Random Access Memory
ROM - Read Only Memory
HDD - Hard Disk Drive
USB - Universal Serial Bus
CPU - Central Processing Unit
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
S. O. S. - Save Our Souls
CD - Compact Disc
PS1 - Play Station 1
PC - Personal Computer
LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
P&P - Postage & Packaging
Bot - Short for Robot
ARP - Advance Routing Protocol
DSL - Damn Small Linux, Also type of internet connection
ISBN - International Standard Book Number
MD - Message Digest
Sup? - What's up?
A. D. - Anno Domini
P. S. - Post Scriptum
ETC - Et cettera (meaning: and so on, ...)
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
THX, TNX, THNX, TX - Thanks
PSP - Play Station Portable
SP - Service Pack, Small Pack
PR - Public Relations
VGA - Video Graphics Array
DIV - Division
HREF - Hyperlink Reference
IMG - Image
SRC - Source
SC - Source Code
FB - Face Book
K - Okay, Key
KK, Okay OK
KKK - Klu Klux Klan
Croc - Short for crocodile
Gex - Gecko
USD - United States Dollar
GBP - Great British Pound
Phool - Fool
AVG - average
AV - Anti Virus
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
URI - Uniform Resource Identifier
BASIC - Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
FORTRAN - Formula TranslatioY2K - Year 2000
LED - Light-Emitting Diode
QRC or QR Code is short for Quick Response Code (it's 2D code)
TBH - To be honest
AFK - Away from keyboard
ASAP - As soon as possible
AMAP - As much as possible (I don't know is this even used)
SQL - Structured Query Language (sometimes read sequel)
DDL - Data Definition Language
DML - Data Manipulation Language
U2 - You too.
BR - Break
IP - Internet Protocol
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
ATM - Automated Teller Machine
DLL - Dynamic Link Library
WAMP - Windows + Apache + MySQL + PHP
LAMP - Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP
CGI - Computer Generated Imagery, Common Gateway Interface
IRL - In real life
DBMS - Data Base Management System
WTF - What The F**k; Wow That's Fantastic (joke)
FTW - For The Win
FYI - For Your Information
SMS - Short Message Service
SIM - Subscribers Identity Module
PIN - Personal Identification Number
WIP - Work in progress
GUI - Graphical User Interface
CLI - Command-Line Interface
IDE - Integrated Development Environment
RAT - Remote Administration Tool
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
VS - Visual Sudio
VB - Visual Basic
PS - PhotoShop
VBA - Visual Boy Advance, Visual Basic for Applications
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
OTP - One Time Password
PL - Programming Language, PlayList
TTYL - Talk To You Later
VIP - Very Important Person
JIT - Just In Time
TTL - Time To Live
UX - User Experience
API - Application Programming Interface
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
ID - Identity
IIRC - If I remember correctly
RC - Remote Controller
TY - Thank you
OST - Original Sound Track
CMS - Content Management System
MATLAB - Matrix Laboratory
SHA - Secure Hashing Algorithm
REM - as in Remember, Rapid Eye Movement
UI - User Interface
UX - User Experience

There are so many more...when I recall more I'll add here when possible.

If you see any errors or mistakes or you just want to add something please contact me.